In nursing facilities or home care settings, our smart healthcare system enhances the quality of life for the elderly by safeguarding their health and improving their overall well-being. This allows us to offer personalized care services, monitor health conditions, and identify issues early on. Additionally, we aim to optimize caregiving human resources and promote the soundness of government health finances.
02.Formation of a Comprehensive Care Network Based on Care Data
We efficiently manage the tasks of facility staff and accumulate data to predict and assess government health finances. Furthermore, by collecting care data from future long-term care recipients, we contribute to the formation of a comprehensive care network that integrates medical, emergency, and caregiving services, thereby increasing the efficiency of care services.
MediLogis's smart healthcare system will play a crucial role not only in elderly care but also in the growth of the neonatal and disabled care markets, preparing for a super-aged society.
Why is Smart Detection for Urination/Defecation/Motion Necessary?
Protecting Skin Health
Accurate time management through a smart system plays a crucial role in protecting skin health. Failure to change diapers at the appropriate time can lead to moisture and pressure, causing bedsores, dermatitis, or wounds. The smart system detects urination and defecation, measures diaper humidity, and notifies the exact time for a change, preventing these issues.
Preventing Infections and Complications
Regular and appropriate urination management is also essential for infection prevention. The smart system monitors the frequency and amount of urination, enabling early detection of initial symptoms of urinary tract infections. This helps prevent serious complications through timely treatment.
Providing a Comfortable Living Environment
A comfortable living environment is important for bedridden elderly patients. The smart system maximizes patient comfort by efficiently managing diaper changes. It reduces unnecessary discomfort and offers a quick response to patients with limited mobility. Regardless of cognitive function, frequent diaper changes conducted without regard to personal will can diminish the dignity and human rights of our elderly parents. The need for smart systems is increasing to provide thoughtful care that protects their self-esteem and ensures warm, attentive care.